Borderline Personality Disorder Self Help Worksheets (5)

This page displays borderline personality disorder self-help worksheets.

Some of these worksheets have been created by us while some of them have been curated from reputable third party websites, after reviewing relevant content in bulk.

These borderline personality disorder self help worksheets aid individuals with borderline personality disorder in regulating their emotions efficiently.

It teaches them deep thinking techniques to help them manage their intense mood shifts.

Narcisim and paranoia are few of the different types of personality disorders.

Borderline Personality Disorder Self Help Worksheet- Mood Buttons

A borderline personality disorder is referred to as a dysfunctional emotional state.

Borderline personality disorder is also known as emotionally unstable personality disorder (EUPD).

This psychological disorder is characterized by long term issues in an individual’s relationships, misinterpretation about one’s image and encounter of intense emotions. 

Individuals with borderline personality disorder get triggered easily.

The most common triggers of these individuals include problems in one’s relationships and distress resulting from those relations.

The relationships of such people make them feel abandoned, rejected or criticized. They experience intense emotions like fear, anger, worthlessness etcetera and may indulge in self-harm behaviors.

Thus, it is important for an individual to recognize his emotional triggers, so he could work on them to prevent their negative results.

Borderline Personality Disorder Self Help Worksheet- Justifying Mood Shifts

Individuals with borderline personality disorder find it very difficult to manage their emotions as they experience them with greater intensity than others do.

Such individuals think on the extremes only and ignore the grey part between white and black.

This is why their thinking is sometimes referred to as black or white thinking.

Their inability to think in between extremes makes it difficult for them to regulate their emotions efficiently.

Though emotion regulation seems difficult for individuals with borderline personality disorder it is not impossible.

Exploring the situation in detail can help him manage his intense emotions. 

Borderline Personality Disorder Self Help Worksheet- Pre-Planned Coping 

Dealing with uncomfortable feelings resulting from intense emotions like anger and fear is a challenging but achievable task.

Individuals with borderline personality disorder experience emotions with greater intensity and thus struggle to regulate their emotions.

When such individuals are aware of their triggers they can successfully work on their triggers and adopt pre-planned coping strategies to deal with uncomfortable emotions emerging in the future with efficiency.

Some of the pre-planned coping strategies include writing down phone numbers on your diary or cell phone to call them when you feel worthless and wish to harm yourself, keeping a diary to write down your feelings when your experience intense emotions like anger,  making a list of things you would do to distract yourself when you encounter intense emotions such as anxiety and so forth.

Borderline Personality Disorder Self Help Worksheet- Anger Diary

Anger management can be difficult at times when an individual is experiencing it with greater intensity.

Writing down feelings on a paper can help an individual prevent their negative outcomes. 

Anger diary worksheet is an effective technique for dealing with anger emotion.

The individuals are directed to write down the anger causing the incident and their feelings.

Writing down the whole incident and their feelings can help an individual review the whole situation and figure out where the real problem is.

Anger diary not only helps an individual calm down but also aids in identifying the problem.

This worksheet is an effective source of managing anger. You can download it from here

Borderline Personality Disorder Self Help Worksheet- Triggers and Coping Skills

Borderline personality disorder can be treated by managing the triggers that give rise to intense emotions in an individual.

Acknowledging the triggers and working on them can help deal with the negative outcomes produced by the triggers.

The worksheet, triggers and coping skills, by a reputable website, aims to help individuals identify the things that trigger intense emotions in them and thinking of the skills and strategies that can help deal with them.

This worksheet is an effective source of identifying and managing emotions.

It can be downloaded from this link.

Borderline Personality Disorder Self Help Worksheet- Emotion Regulation Handout 10

Emotion regulation handout 10 is a great, detailed resource for learning ways of dealing with intense emotions.

This worksheet teaches individuals effective ways of managing common emotions such as fear, justified nd unjustified guilt or shame, sadness or depression and anger.

This worksheet is easily available on the internet and can also be printed.

It can be accessed from here.

Borderline Personality Disorder Self Help Worksheet- Rank Order of BDP Intrusion

Different people experience different emotions that make them feel sad, depressed, anxious, abandoned and creates an urge to commit suicide.

Rand order of BDP intrusion worksheet is a good resource for identifying one’s triggers and work on them.

This worksheet provides individuals with the most common triggers of BPD and directs the individuals to rank them in order, starting from the greatest BPD issue they are facing.

Then the individuals are asked to find the root causes of why these issues trigger intense emotions in them.

This helps them recognize their triggers and work on them to eliminate their negative effects on themselves. 

This worksheet can be downloaded in the form of pdf through this link.

Borderline Personality Disorder Self Help Worksheet- Six Steps of the Self-Mutilation Sequence

The six steps of the mutilation sequence worksheet is an effective worksheet for helping the individuals identify their self-harm patterns and enable them to control their behavior efficiently.

This worksheet consists of six questions that inquire about the tendency to get harmed from others, harm oneself and getting detached from oneself.

The individuals are then asked about the ways the can prevent self-harm.

This worksheet is helpful in preventing self-mutilating behavior.

The worksheet can be downloaded in the form pdf from here.

This page provides you with some of the best borderline personality disorder self-help worksheets.

Some of these worksheets have been made by us while some of them have been curated from reputable third-party websites.

If you have any questions or queries regarding these worksheets, let us know through your comments, we will be glad to assist you.

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