Affirmations for your crush (59+)

Affirmations for your crush

  • All of my relationships are long-term and offer a positive, loving experience.
  • I am worthy of love and deserve to receive love in abundance.
  • I love those around me and I love myself. Others show me love.
  • I attract loving and caring people into my life.
  • My partner and I are both happy and in love. Our relationship is joyous.
  • I am thankful for the love in my life and I am thankful for my caring partner.
  • I only attract healthy, loving relationships.
  • I am with the love of my life. We both treat each other with respect.
  • I happily give and receive love each day.
  • I am so thankful for my partner and how caring they are.
  • Each day I am so grateful for how loved I am and much people care about me.
  • I know and trust that the Universe will only bring me loyal supporting and loving relationships.
  • I open my heart to love and know that I deserve it.
  • Wherever I go and whoever I am with, I find love.
  • I deserve to receive the love I get and I open myself to the love the Universe gives me.
  • I am open to marriage and attracting my future spouse.
  • My love (and/or marriage) grows stronger every day.
  • I am capable and deserving of a long lasting relationship.
  • My relationship will be open, honest and full of abundance.
  • Love surrounds me and everyone around me.
  • I am attracting my dream future.
  • I am confident, self-assured and full of charisma.
  • My partner is a reflection of me.
  • I will never give up on finding true love.
  • I exhale negativity and inhale happiness.
  • Today I will continue to create the foundation of a happy and loving relationship.
  • I love my soulmate and I love myself.
  • A happy partnership is supportive, balanced and affectionate.
  • I am manifesting my dream partner.
  • The Law Of Attraction is a natural law that attracts what we focus on into our lives. Today I will attract love and happiness.
  • My relationships are always fulfilling.
  • I love being in a relationship.
  • Happiness begins with me and me alone. I have the power to create my own happiness.
  • I let go of my past relationships and look to the future.
  • I only think positively about love.
  • My crush is going crazy over me now!
  • My crush is thinking about me!
  • My crush is crushing on me!
  • I am getting subliminal results right now at this moment!
  • I am noticing amazing subliminal results right now at this moment!
  • I am getting super fast results by listening to these hidden affirmations!
  • My crush is always thinking of me!
  • I am receiving all of these subliminal affirmations straight into my subconscious mind.
  • My crush wants to be with me so bad!
  • You are capable of achieving anything.
  • You are getting better every day.
  • You are inspiring.
  • You are worth it.
  • You are strong enough to get through this.
  • I believe in you.
  • Today is going to be a good day.
  • You are loved and appreciated.
  • You are stronger than your temptation.
  • I’m proud of you.
  • You are surrounded by people who love you.
  • You are not your mistakes.
  • You matter.
  • You can do anything you put your mind to.
  • You are brave.
  • You have the courage to move forward.
  • You have a purpose.
  • You are in charge of what happens next.
  • I have so much faith in you.
  • I know you can overcome this.
  • No challenge is too great for you to handle.
  • I am by your side every step of the way.
  • You are worthy of happiness.
  • I love you unconditionally.
  • You deserve to succeed.
  • My specific person is deeply in love with me.
  • My specific person thinks about me all the time.
  • My specific person in only attracted to me.
  • We have a joyous relationship.
  • I am on the top of their priority list.
  • My specific person is very affectionate and loving towards me.
  • My specific person is very caring towards me.
  • My specific person always treats me with utmost respect.
  • My specific person worships the ground I walk upon.
  • My specific person is obsessed with me.
  • They feel lucky to have me in their life.
  • We both have a happy and fulfilling relationship.
  • Our relationship is growing stronger and stronger each day.
  • My specific person and I communicate with each other in a loving way.
  • We both appreciate and respect each other deeply.
  • They cherish me and they adore me.
  • My specific person wants to spend their entire life with me.
  • I feel comfortable to fully be myself around my specific person.
  • My specific person feels grateful to have me in their life.
  • They only have eyes for me.
  • My specific person finds me magnetic.
  • My specific person is incredibly supportive of me.
  • The love between the two of us grows stronger and stronger with each day.
  • They think I am the best thing that has ever happened to them.
  • They feel nobody gets them as well as I do.
  • My relationship with my specific person is loving and harmonious.
  • My specific person loves me unconditionally.
  • We are excited to talk to each other every single day.
  • Our bonding is growing stronger and stronger every second.
  • My specific person and I feel comfortable around each other.
  • My specific person thinks highly of me.
  • We both give our relationship all the attention we deserve.
  • I have a beautiful relationship with my special person.
  • Our relationship is fulfilling.
  • My specific person is always trying their best to make me happy

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