Affirmations for taking responsibility (53+)

Affirmations for taking responsibility

  • I am responsible for my health
  • I am responsible for my wealth
  • I am responsible
  • I take responsibility for who I am: the bad and the good
  • I am responsible for everything in my life.
  • I am responsible for how I act and react in any situation
  • I step fully into self-responsibility
  • I embrace responsibility
  • I am responsible for my happiness
  • I take responsibility for my dreams
  • I take responsibility for my past
  • I take responsibility now
  • I take responsibility for my future
  • I am responsible for my success
  • I take responsibility for my actions
  • I am responsible for my feelings
  • I am responsible for who I surround myself with
  • I am responsible for what I allow from others
  • I am responsible for the words that I put out into the world
  • I accept responsibility for all of my choices
  • I am responsible for my daily habits
  • I am responsible for what I consume
  • I am responsible for my self-improvement
  • I am responsible for where I am
  • I am responsible for all my thoughts
  • I am responsible for who I am
  • I am responsible for my attitude
  • I am responsible for my belief in myself
  • I am responsible for my inner-world
  • I am responsible for my energy
  • I am responsible for my problems and solutions
  • I am responsible for what I accomplish in life
  • I am responsible for the good and bad deeds I leave behind
  • I am responsible for living a life that is true to what I believe in
  • I take full responsibility for my life so that I may live my dreams.
  • I am free of my fear of growing up
  • I am free from support from my parents
  • I am confident
  • I support myself
  • I am responsible for myself
  • I am earning my own money
  • I find it easy to stand on my own two feet
  • I can do things for myself
  • I just naturally take control of my own life
  • I find it easy to do things for myself
  • I am becoming more responsible for myself
  • I will not need my parents to do things for me
  • I am finding myself more confident
  • I am turning into someone who is self-sufficient
  • I will not rely on others
  • I will overcome my fear of growing up
  • I will earn my own money
  • I am turning into a positive thinker
  • I am transforming into a responsible adult
  • I am becoming more able to stand on my own two feet
  • Being self-sufficient is easy for me
  • I find it easy to stand on my own two feet
  • Supporting myself is the most natural thing in the world
  • Providing for myself is something I take great pride in
  • My relationship with my parents is better now that I am supporting myself
  • Making my own money is something I enjoy doing
  • I’m the only person in control of my life
  • People see me as someone who is responsible
  • Positive thinking comes naturally to me
  • We all have to grow up at some point and I finally have
  • I trust myself to make fantastic decisions
  • Today I will not criticize myself
  • Instead of comparing myself to others, I choose to simultaneously view myself and others as equals that are worthy of love and acceptance
  • I forgive myself. I release guilt and shame in exchange for my freedom
  • I forgive others who have hurt me. I release pain and blame in exchange for my freedom
  • I take full responsibility for myself, my life, and my happiness
  • I am completely aware of my strengths and my weaknesses
  • The past has no power over me because I am willing to learn, change and grow
  • I have integrity. I am totally reliable. I always do what I say.
  • I have the power to change myself
  • It is enough to have done my very best
  • I deserve to feel good about myself
  • Believing in and valuing myself helps others to believe in and value me
  • I enjoy being self-disciplined, because I know it is the key to my freedom
  • I am in the process of making positive changes in all areas of my life
  • I give myself permission to do what is best for me
  • I have all the tools to be successful
  • I will do today what I will appreciate tomorrow
  • I consciously connect to my authenticity and release all false or outdated versions of myself
  • When I am being my true self, I feel freedom and peace
  • I am patient, loving and gentle with myself
  • I stand up for myself because I matter
  • I am worthy of love, kindness and respect (most of all from myself)
  • I am strong and courageous, always willing to act in spite of fear
  • Instead of fearing the worst, I envision, attract and expect the best
  • I express myself in empowering ways
  • I am so proud of my achievements
  • I nurture my inner child by _________
  • I do not need to be perfect to be good
  • I am a very good person
  • I stand on my own two feet. I accept and harness my own power
  • In any situation, I always have a choice
  • I am grateful for all the challenges that help me grow and transform
  • I let my accomplishments speak for themselves
  • I have self-control
  • I crave only the things that nourish my life
  • I deserve to be happy and successful
  • I love the person I am becoming
  • I am unique. It feels so good to be me!
  • There is no such thing as problems – only opportunities
  • Challenges bring out the BEST in me
  • I inhale confidence and exhale fear
  • I believe in myself and my ability to respond positively to all circumstances of life 
  • I choose to be myself, and I am accepted as I am by everyone I meet
  • Deep authenticity is my secret weapon
  • I live in alignment with my highest values
  • All of my actions are for the highest good of all involved
  • My words are my sincere promises to the world
  • I am always honest with myself and others
  • I always admit when I’m wrong and keep my focus on solutions, not problems.
  • I always give credit where credit is due
  • I am humble, because I know that everyone has the same potential
  • I am always on time, or early
  • I always weigh my options carefully so I can kep the commitments I make
  • I am a positive example for everyone in my life
  • I am breaking through old, limiting patterns of behavior and becoming more successful every day.
  • I may change course, but I never give up
  • All of my choices are in agreement with my life vision
  • I am in conscious control of all my habits
  • Every day, my will power and resolve becomes stronger
  • Willpower is a habit I nurture everyday
  • Exercising self-control gives me an immense sense of personal accomplishment
  • I acknowledge my resistance and move forward anyway
  • I can always count on myself to do what I need to do
  • Nothing can stop me from _______
  • I am willing to do whatever it takes
  • I am the master of my life

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