Affirmations for being lonely (37+)

Affirmations for being lonely

  • I am a child of God.
  • I know my worth.
  • I am blessed and highly favored.
  • I am valuable.
  • My time is valuable.
  • I attract relationships that build me up.
  • I attract relationships that add value to my life and vice versa.
  • I attract people who have a genuine love for me.
  • I am on the path to finding my community.
  • I have the truest friends
  • My friend group is not forced. My relationships are not forced. My community is being developed authentically and organically.
  • Loneliness isn’t a final destination.
  • I am intentional about building a life I love. 
  • I trust the process.
  • My future is filled with laughter and good times and beautiful memories to be made.
  • I have abundance of all good things.
  • The universe sends me a generous gift every day.
  • I am the healthiest person on Earth!
  • I enjoy every second of my life.
  • I deserve the best in this wonderful world.
  • I choose excitement and magic in my life.
  • I am comfortable with myself
  • I enjoy being on my own
  • I love who I am
  • I am in touch with my true self
  • I enjoy the silence of my own mind
  • I am creative and clever when on my own
  • I am at peace when I’m alone
  • Being by myself opens me up to new ideas
  • I enjoy being immersed in my own thoughts
  • Being alone is rewarding for me
  • I will explore who I really am
  • I will stop being afraid of being alone
  • I will stop needing a constant social current to pull me
  • I will understand that being alone isn’t the same as being lonely
  • I will learn new things about myself
  • I will appreciate myself for all that I am
  • I will take the time to understand myself
  • I am beginning to enjoy my own company
  • I will be encouraged by my inner strength
  • I will listen to my intuition
  • I am naturally relaxed on my own
  • I always give myself the time and attention I deserve
  • I understand who I am through my own eyes
  • I have found myself through being alone
  • I am attuned to all of my personal needs and desires
  • I have learned to love who I am through introversion
  • I am discovering new things about myself every day
  • I see myself for the person I really am
  • I look forward to spending time alone
  • Only I can unlock my true happiness
  • My loneliness melts like snow in the sun
  • My life is filled with love and laughter
  • I am rich with love and happiness
  • I am comfortable and enjoy doing things by myself
  • I am never alone, I take God with me wherever I go
  • I am not alone
  • I am never alone. I take God with me wherever I go.
  • I am happy with my own company.
  • I am comfortable with myself.
  • I enjoy being on my own.
  • Being alone lets me explore my thoughts and ideas.
  • I am my own best friend.
  • I treat myself with kindness and love.
  • I am secure and confident about who I am.
  • I’m at peace whenever I’m by myself.
  • I use my time alone to express my creativity.
  • Being alone is rewarding and productive.
  • I am in touch with my true self.
  • Being alone is easy for me to deal with.
  • You are not alone.
  • Remember, you are only human.

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