Best Affirmations for Autism (35+ Reliable Statements)

Affirmations for Autism

  • My child has many gifts and skills
  • My child has a bright future ahead of them
  • I am patient.
  • I surround myself with love and positive energy to keep myself refreshed.
  • I am part of a huge community of parents and we are doing our best for our children.
  • I am an overcomer and I am raising an overcomer.
  • My energy goes where my focus goes so I focus on my strengths and gifts.
  • My children bless me and I bless them.
  • Challenges are in my life to show me my strength.
  • My child is growing and becoming better each day.
  • I accept and love myself completely on my good days and my bad ones.
  • Hard times are temporary and make me better.
  • I treasure every good moment and memory I have with my family.
  • I am a source of light and shine love and wisdom on everyone around me.
  • My circumstances are a reflection of my attitude so I keep my attitude positive.
  • My child has something wonderful to contribute to the world.
  • I am full of love, full of life, and full of hope.
  • I attract support and good things for me and my child.
  • I have everything I need and what I don’t have God will provide.
  • My child has everything that he/she needs and what he/she doesn’t have God will provide.
  • I attract generosity and favor like a magnet.
  • I am brave
  • I love myself
  • All my words have power
  • I am honest
  • I am happy
  • I am smart
  • I care about others
  • I am proud of who you are
  • You make other people smile
  • You are creative
  • You were born to do great things
  • I love listening to you
  • I will always believe in you
  • I will have a good day
  • I am loved
  • I am strong
  • I can control my emotions
  • I can breathe through my anxiety
  • I am slow to anger
  • I forgive myself
  • I forgive others
  • I can overcome anything that stands in my way
  • I have control over my negative thoughts
  • I am beautiful
  • I help others
  • I am safe
  • I am special
  • I am kind
  • I am positive
  • Today will be a great day
  • I’m a good friend
  • I am a good listener
  • I will try my hardest
  • You are an amazing person
  • I will not put limits on my ability
  • My parents love me
  • I am calm
  • I and your dad can’t imagine life without you
  • You are a good problem solver
  • You are the light of my life
  • My parents are proud of me
  • I share
  • I stand up for myself
  • I’m positive
  • I am successful
  • I have big dreams
  • I respect others opinions
  • I can be anything I want
  • I am an important person
  • Today is a new day. You can only learn from yesterday. And tomorrow never really comes, so today is the day to do what you need to do to get the life you want.
  • It’s never too late to say sorry and never too soon to think about the things you’re sorry for. Knowing what you’re sorry about and making proper changes is the best thing you can do in life.
  • You are a bright star that never stops shining.
  • There are many roads in life that all lead to the same destination. If you ever get lost, ask yourself where you’re heading.
  • Your confidence will take shape in many forms, so look around for the things you’re grateful for any time you lose your confidence.
  • It’s not every day you are faced with large decisions, but every day does have little decisions to make. You are making the right ones.
  • You can always come to me with any victory or battle. If you haven’t yet fought a battle, I will fight it with you.
  • You have shown this family so much about how not to give up.
  • Positive Affirmations for Kids – You have shown this family so much about how not to give up. | positive affirmations for kids | positive affirmations for students | list of positive affirmations for students
  • You are the reason I choose what I choose in life because choosing you is the only thing that matters.
  • In a chaotic world, you have to look above the chaos into yourself and no one can do that better than you.
  • Always take the time to understand this: Your thoughts matter.
  • What you think is based on what you think you know and it’s okay to not know everything.
  • It’s okay to lose as long as you learn.
  • Your perception of life dictates everything.
  • You have the ability to do far more than you realize and you will never realize everything. You will always have the ability to do more, be more, love more, and forgive more.
  • Confidence can be found in every act you perform.
  • Don’t let the loss of something ever make you think that you’ve lost everything. You can never lose everything. Some things are yours and only yours.
  • Life was given to you for a reason so live it confidently.
  • Not everything is about you, but you should carefully consider everything when making choices.
  • Staying in your own lane isn’t meant to be remembered only when driving. You are traveling on a road through life and staying in your own lane is crucial to keeping peace.
  • You have more confidence deep inside of you.
  • You have more confidence deep inside of you. | positive affirmations for students pdf | positive affirmations for babies | words of affirmation for kids
  • You lack nothing.
  • Your ideas change the world.
  • I have watched you become confident your whole life.
  • My love for you is with you at all times.
  • I was born to accomplish things. Some of them will be great things, some of them will be boring, and some of them will change the world.
  • I have confidence inside of me that has not yet been tapped into.
  • My confidence is not meant to boost my perception of power.
  • Confidence can be found in others, but mine cannot come from theirs. I have to create my own.
  • I can show confidence but I can’t share it. It’s mine and no one can take it from me.
  • Positive Affirmations for Kids – I can show confidence but I can’t share it. It’s mine and no one can take it from me. | affirmation child development | 200 positive affirmations for kids | positive affirmations for parents
  • I am the only person that can truly give away confidence and turn it into nothing. And once it becomes nothing, I am the only person who can create more.
  • This life I see is my reality. Time goes on forever, so it doesn’t really exist, but my life does according to the confidence I have in my reality.
  • Every word I speak or write will impact me.
  • Every choice I make matters.
  • All the thoughts in my head are based on what I think I know. By tapping into a higher power source, I can know more, which allows me to raise my thoughts in light of what I think I know now.
  • Looking inside is one of the best ways to build confidence.
  • I have more than I could ever imagine and my confidence has no reason to wither like the lillies in the field.
  • I will always be setting an example to someone.
  • I will always be setting an example to someone. | little kid affirmations | positive affirmations for your children | affirmation for children
  • Every interaction I have with someone else is an opportunity to create an example of leadership.
  • I am a leader of someone even if I don’t know they are watching me.
  • Being a good leader starts with having someone to follow.
  • You can lead without power but you can’t lead without confidence.
  • No one will ever know everything I do except me.
  • It’s okay for me to feel lost as long as I admit it to myself, but having someone help me find my way to where I’m going is always priceless.
  • I have too many people who care for me to ever feel like I don’t have anyone to talk to.
  • I am here to do what I came to do, which is to create a life of peace.
  • Confidence and peace within myself go hand in hand.
  • Confidence and peace within myself go hand in hand. | affirmations for 3-year-old | positive affirmations to tell your child | positive affirmations for children
  • True peace can only be found when I am truly confident I have found it.
  • What I do not know cannot hurt me.
  • There’s never a good enough reason to quit learning.
  • Today is the day I will prepare for tomorrow.
  • I am a good friend.
  • I am helpful. I help with family chores.
  • I want to be a better person every day.
  • My teachers like me. They want to help me learn interesting and useful things.
  • I am proud of myself.
  • I care about others.
  • I love learning new things. Every day I become smarter.
  • I am fun to be with.
  • I am trustworthy
  • I like to share the things I have.
  • I am special.
  • I am grateful for the good things in my life.
  • I am generous.
  • I respect the opinions of others
  • I am mindful.
  • Today is a great day.
  • I enjoy new adventures.
  • I have many gifts and talents.
  • I am brave.
  • I love trying new things.
  • My family loves me exactly the way I am
  • I am unique. No one else is quite like me.
  • Simple Affirmations for Kids – I am unique. No one else is quite like me. | kids affirmation | affirmations for my child | childrens affirmation
  • I am a good brother/sister.
  • I am going to be happy today.
  • I am a kind person. I care about others.
  • I always try my best.
  • I will pick up after myself.
  • Good things will happen in my life.

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