List of Affirmations for Agoraphobia (31+ Strengthening Assertions)

Affirmations for Agoraphobia

  • I am safe outside
  • I am confident in public
  • Being outdoors relaxes me
  • I enjoy being in public places
  • I am calm when standing in line
  • I am free to go anywhere
  • I am safe in public spaces
  • I am confident in new places
  • I am free from agoraphobia
  • I am a confident person
  • I will overcome agoraphobia
  • I will enjoy visiting new places
  • I will enjoy leaving my house
  • I am becoming more confident and relaxed
  • I am developing inner calm
  • I will break free from fear
  • My confidence is developing steadily
  • I will enjoy meeting new people
  • I will naturally relax when waiting in lines
  • I will relax outdoors
  • Being outside feels natural
  • Open spaces make me feel relaxed and calm
  • Public places are safe
  • Waiting in line is a totally normal part of life
  • Calming myself down is easy
  • My confidence is high
  • Being in public is fun
  • Meeting new people is fun
  • Others see me as calm
  • Open spaces feel safe
  • I feel relaxed, calm and collected
  • This feeling is only temporary and will pass shortly
  • All is well in my world, and I am safe
  • The Universe has got me!
  • I breathe in relaxation! I breathe out stress!
  • I am calm, happy and content
  • Calmness washes over me and I feel at peace
  • As I breathe out, all of the muscles in my body release and relax
  • With every exhale I release the tension
  • Stress is evaporating from my body and my mind (visualise this)
  • Each day I feel calmer and more relaxed
  • I inhale strength and exhale fear
  • I release the past and look forward to a fulfilling future
  • I fill my mind with positive, healing thoughts
  • I replace fear with love
  • I look towards the future with hope and happiness
  • Life is wonderful. I trust in the Universe to help me live a good life.
  • I love myself deeply and unconditionally
  • I am enough
  • I’ve survived this before, I’ll survive now!
  • You got this!I stay calm and confident in every situation
  • When I go outside, I feel safe
  • I feel relaxed in public places
  • I am full of confidence and can do anything I want
  • I have excellent communication skills
  • I have the power to do anything
  • I enjoy meeting new people
  • I feel confident in public places
  • I enjoy my life
  • I am a calm person that always feels happy
  • Being outside in open spaces is fun
  • I can talk in front of large groups of people and stay relaxed
  • I feel safe in open spaces
  • I enjoy being the centre of attention
  • I feel safe when I am away from home
  • I can deal with any situation
  • I enjoy going outside
  • I am an intelligent person that is full of confidence
  • I like going to new places
  • Being outside feels natural to me
  • I can do anything I want to do
  • I am a strong-minded person
  • My confidence grow stronger everyday
  • I can cure my agoraphobia
  • I will cure my agoraphobia
  • I will overcome my agoraphobia
  • I like being out in public places
  • I enjoy going to unfamiliar places
  • I am in full control of my fear
  • I am in full control when I am out in public
  • I am in full control in open spaces
  • I am safe in public places
  • I feel safe and secure in public places
  • I am safe in open spaces
  • I am safe in unfamiliar places
  • I feel comfortable in open spaces
  • I feel comfortable in crowded places
  • I feel comfortable in unfamiliar places
  • I am always secure in myself
  • I am cured of my agoraphobia
  • Today, I will not stress things I cannot control.
  • I forgive myself for feeling anxious.
  • I am strong and I can get through this.
  • I’m taking positive steps to reduce my anxiety.
  • I release any doubts and fears.
  • I am not alone in my struggles.
  • I am separate from the voice of anxiety and stress.
  • My challenges will bring me amazing opportunities.
  • With each long exhalation, I invite peace and calm.
  • I know what I am doing.
  • I have the ability to solve every problem I face.
  • Fear is only a feeling; it can’t hold me back.
  • Mistakes are simply lessons to be learned and I know I am doing my best.
  • I have the power to stop this. I can say “stop.”
  • My anxiety does not control me.
  • I can take things one step at a time.
  • This is temporary.
  • Everything I need comes into my life at the right time.
  • I forgive myself for having a bad day.

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