How is it to be an Enneagram 5w4 INFJ?

In this blog post, we will talk about the  5w4 INFJ personality types, by describing Enneagram type 5 and the INFJ MBTI personality type. 

The 5w4 INFJ personality type

The 5w4 INFJ personality types are understanding, curious and alert. They are able to focus very easily, to develop complex skills and ideas.

The 5w4 INFJ  are independent and innovative, they are very concerned about their thoughts and their mental constructions.

They also can detach easily. They often have problems with loneliness, eccentricity and nihilism.

At the healthiest level, the 5w4 INFJ are visionaries, the pioneers of what is to come, they have ideas ahead of their time and are able to impose a completely new vision of the world.

The 5w4 INFJ people have a deep perception of people and situations. They have “feelings”, “emotions” about the world and instinctively understand it.

It happens that the INFJ people are the ones who say that they feel something wrong with a close person and find out later that that person had a car accident. 

These are extreme situations of psychic experiences that a 5w4 INFJ can sometimes have.

Therefore, it is known that it is very difficult for them to verbalize their intuition or to transmit it in a rational way.

Consequently, the 5w4 INFJ people are more internalized, choosing to share with others only certain things when they still choose to do so.

They are deep and complex, internalized and sometimes difficult to understand.

Enneagram 5w4 

An Enneagram Type 5 person is someone who likes to assimilate a lot of knowledge (in all fields), in his relationships with others, he prefers logic instead of emotion, which, moreover, he expresses with difficulty, above all, he is afraid of intrusion. the other in his personal “sphere”. 

He does not like meetings too much, especially in the form of meetings (family or professional) and frequently feels the need to be alone with himself (and his books).

Often, he is stingy with what he knows, as, with his time, he likes to observe what is happening rather than to participate.

His mind is almost always active, in childhood, the little person like the observer had the impression that he is not loved as much as he deserves.

This made them avoid others and distinguish themselves by accumulating knowledge.

When his positive traits are dominant, the observer shows a generous spirit, being capable of disinterest and excellent relationships in relationships with others.

What matters to the observer: to be appreciated for what he knows, for what he knows – to be useful, to be “up to date”.

Its compulsion: to avoid intrusion and inner emptiness.

For him, it is important to avoid intrusion and inner emptiness, to know, to be useful, to be “up to date”.

The unconscious messages from childhood: “It’s not good to feel at ease in the world.”

Basic fears: that you are useless, incapable or incompetent

Basic desires and their disorders: The desire to be competent (deteriorates in unnecessary specialization)

Type 5w4 is receptive, objective, penetrating, curious, adaptable, intuitive, smart, unusual, independent.

5w4 identifies with his own thoughts more than any other type.

For others, the intellect, the strong need for independence and intimacy, as well as the intensity of intellectual interests stand out.

These people are eager to explain to the world around them and to predict their actions.

Regardless of the profession, they want to investigate, observe and understand things deeply.

The essential motivations of the 5w4 type are: to have the knowledge, to understand the environment, to be omniscient, to be able to defend themselves from the environment.

The fundamental fear is to be incapable, helpless. The fundamental desire is to be able, competent.

Self-Knowledge. Type 5w4 is characterized by the following statements:

• I usually keep what I feel for myself.

• I like to know in advance what will happen.

• I’m not very good at small talk.

• I like to synthesize and correlate ideas intellectually.

• I need time alone and space.

• I often sit back and watch, instead of getting involved.

• I am quieter than most. People often ask me what I’m thinking.

• It’s hard for me to ask for someone’s help.

• If a problem arises, I like to think about solving it first and then discuss it with others.

• I like to detach myself and look at things in perspective. If I omit something, I accuse myself of being too simplistic or naive.

Professions for 5w4:  Theorist, inventor, engineer. As a manager, he takes care of the staff. They can also be successful in building a new and innovative organization.


As an INFJ, the dominant way of directing attention is an inner one, where you judge things based on personal intuition.

Secondly, you direct your attention to the outside world, where you analyze things according to the way you feel about them or according to your own value system.

INFJ people are humane, attentive to the needs of others but especially very intuitive. Artistic and creative, they live in a world of hidden meanings to be discovered.

Only 1% of the general population has such a personality type, which makes it the rarest personality type.

The INFJ attaches great importance to having things systematized and ordered.

They invest a lot of energy to find the best ordering system and constantly define and redefine priorities in their lives.

On the other hand, the INFJs are analyzed in a way based only on intuition which is by definition spontaneous. 

They know about things intuitively, reaching true, very good conclusions, but without being able to explain how they managed to understand those things.

They constantly rely heavily on their intuition and instincts.

This is usually the source of conflicts between the inner world, the self and the outer world, creating the impression that INFJ people are not as organized as other Judges.

But an INFJ is a person by nature as warm as they are closed and complex. They occupy a special place in the hearts of those close to them, those who are able to see their special gift.

They are very careful with people’s feelings and are constantly trying not to hurt anyone. They are very sensitive to conflicts and cannot tolerate them very well.

Under the pressure of conflict, they can become agitated and full of anger. 

They tend to internalize the conflict, to “swallow” it and from here all kinds of health problems arise.

Because an INFJ has such strong intuitive abilities, they rely most on their instincts. We often see them in the position of stubbornly refusing other opinions.

They think they are right. On the other hand, such a person is a perfectionist who doubts that he would live to his full potential. 

Rarely do we find them at peace with themselves, they always find something to improve in themselves or in the world around them.

They have a strong value system and can’t imagine how they could live differently from how they feel. I do not believe in compromises or giving up their ideals.

Beyond all this, they are people who can easily forgive.

An INFJ is naturally a person who likes to take care of and raise others, he is patient, devoted and protective.

They are very loving parents, they give a lot of time and care to raise their children, but they have high expectations from them.

At work, an INFJ excels in areas that have to do with creativity and are somehow independent.

They have a natural affinity for art, and some may excel in science where they use their intuition.

They can be found in service-oriented trades. They are not good at very painstaking tasks, being dangerous for them to get caught up in details, and then not being able to see the picture.

If they get caught up in the details, they can become very critical of themselves and especially of those who are not like them.

The INFJs are talented in a way that the other types are not.

Life is not necessarily easier for them, but they are capable of a great depth of emotions, feelings and can accomplish much in life in this way.

Determining your personality type with the Enneagram model

The Enneagram model is a psychodynamic model that is based on nine typologies (enneatypes).

The current approach used was developed in principle by Oscar Ichazo around the 1960s and spread by Claudio Narajo in the 1970s.

It is noteworthy that human society can benefit from knowing the typology of people who are involved in various activities, which is the purpose of these reports that will be further presented.

I don’t think it’s a surprise to find that in today’s digital society, people’s personal data can be easily used in complex analysis that use the specificity of certain typologies, suggesting in these cases actions that may appear inconsistent and detached with unexpected results.

The practical role of the Enneagram

Although not associated with any religion, one of the primary uses of the Enneagram is as a transformative tool that helps us realize our essential nature (divine nature or being) and integrate our personality. 

For those who have had an initiatory spiritual experience of awakening, the Enneagram can help determine the “inner purpose” of self-transcendence.

But the Enneagram can help each of us achieve different “external goals,” because it has practical applications in many important areas of life – relationships, career guidance, business, education, and parenting.

In relationships, the Enneagram can be used to improve communication, understanding, synergy and connection by capitalizing on differences between people. 

As interdependent beings, our happiness largely depends on the quality of our relationships.

And the quality of our relationships depends on our self-esteem and desire to value the uniqueness of others.

And our self-esteem comes from making instant choices in alignment with our deepest values. Making choices momentarily in alignment with our deepest values ​​comes from our deep knowledge and our inner wisdom.

Another use of the Enneagram, as well as of all the other systems of evolution and personal determination, is the professional orientation.

Each of us has innate talents that come to us so naturally that we don’t even see them as gifts.

Unfortunately, many people do not know what they are.

 In his book “The Pathfinder: How to Choose or Change Your Career for a Life of Satisfaction and Success,” Nicholas Lore interviewed 1,500 people and found that:

  • only 10% of them felt that their work matched their personality and was a tool for personal expression.
  • 20% of people enjoyed their work most of the time,
  • 30% accepted their work without a fight,
  • 30% go to work because they are forced by circumstances
  • 10% feel like their job is hell!

So maybe up to 70% of people don’t enjoy their work.

Do you think it affects their relationships? Health? Self-esteem? Enjoy life? Inner peace? World peace !?

In business, the Enneagram can be used for team building, conflict management, increasing self-leadership and increasing productivity by maximizing each person’s unique gifts.

In education, the Enneagram can be used to help teachers understand students’ different needs and adapt their teaching to reflect an awareness of these different needs.

It can help children better understand themselves and others, as well as help them plan their lives.

In parenting, Enneagram can help parents truly understand and cultivate their children’s individuality.

With knowledge of the Enneagram (and other systems of personal discovery), parents can increase their children’s self-esteem by encouraging them to use their natural gifts and talents.

Parents can also raise their own self-esteem by using these systems, and therefore will naturally raise their children’s self-esteem through their happy example!

INFJ 5w4 Careers

Some great INFJ 5w4 careers are as follows:

  • Data Analyst
  • Scientist
  • Researcher
  • Psychologist
  • Neuroscientist
  • Physicist
  • Accountant
  • Mathematician
  • Statistician
  • Archaeologist
  • Art Therapist
  • Surgeon
  • Doctor
  • Professor (Arts or Science)

INFJ 5w4 careers need to be full of learning and constant intellectual growth, because without it the 5w4 INFJ personality can often feel unfulfilled with their career.

Any INFJ 5w4 career that involves too much interaction with people is likely to make them tired and uncomfortable, but they are not so introverted that they can’t deal with some interaction with others and they will be very likely to feel good about their job if they are also learning and solving problems while they interact with others.

Investigative fields like research or even detective work are likely to catch the fancy of any INFJ 5w4 looking for a career that suits them, and they will likely be good at it too.

5w4 vs 5w6 INFJ

The primary difference between 5w4 vs 5w6 INFJ is that while the 5w4 INFJ may be quite introverted and focus on investigation and learning on their own, the w56 INFJ might be more likely to be oriented towards the people around them, and want to be helpful to those around them in some way through their unique understanding and learning skills.

The distinction of 5w4 vs 5w6 INFJ is rooted primarily in the wings of these personalities, which means that while the 5w4 INFJ may be someone who is very individualistic and focused on making their own unique identity, the 5w6 INFJ may be more focused on understanding the troubles of those around them and giving them a helping hand.

Furthermore, the 5w4 vs 5w6 INFJ difference is something that may show itself most when these personalities are dealing with interpersonal issues, and it may become apparent that the 5w6 INFJ may be more inclined to understand the perspective of others and see their point, which the 5w4 may find somewhat difficult.


An INFJ 5w4 SX/SP is likely to be quite uncommon because having a Sexual or Attraction based instinctual drive goes against the more preliminary traits of being introverted and preferring one’s own company, which is fairly typical of the INFJ 5w4 personality type.

The sexual instinctual subtype, that is, SX/SP of an INFJ 5w4 personality may be considered to be its countertype, which may allude to the fact that the reclusive tendency of INFJ 5w4 does not lend itself easily to this instinct, and this may often cause some degree of conflict in these individuals as they try to figure out which direction they should take.

Many INFJ 5w4 SX/SP individuals may feel the need to go against the passion of Avarice instead of giving into it, by working against it, which may worsen the common conflicts they experience about wanting to be around people but also wanting to be on their own and doing their own thing in a vacuum.

INFJ 5w4s are almost always intellectuals that don’t quite fit the paradigm of the typical description of an SX/SP, because they may have the tendency to go out instead of back in to subdue the passion.


In this blog post, we talked about the  5w4 INFJ personality type, by describing Enneagram type 5 and the INFJ MBTI personality type. 

The 5w4 INFJ  are independent and innovative, they are very concerned about their thoughts and their mental constructions.

They also can detach easily. At the healthiest level, the 5w4 INFJ are visionaries, the pioneers of what is to come, they have ideas ahead of their time and are able to impose a completely new vision of the world.

By better understanding, our Enneagram type (and our type of other spiritual evolution systems) we can develop healthier relationships, choose a more satisfying career, learn better, become better parents, and, in principle, have more productive and more satisfactory lives. 

We can live more gracefully and quietly according to our essential nature, we can feel connected to each other than separated, we can work with each other synergistically, rather than fighting each other.

What do you think? If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments section.

FAQ about the 5w4 INFJ

What does 5w4 mean?

Enneagram 5w4 is a combination of personality traits 4 and 5, type 5 is predominant.

These people are eager to explain to the world around them and to predict their actions.

Regardless of the profession, they want to investigate, observe and understand things deeply.

Is Enneagram better than MBTI?

We cannot say if Enneagram is better than MBTI, as they both focus on slightly different aspects of the personality types.

To be more specific, the Myers-Briggs test focuses on the nature of the person (meaning the genetic attributes), while the Enneagram is more about nurture (the environment and the education received). 

Is Enneagram better than MBTI?

We cannot say if Enneagram is better than MBTI, as they both focus on slightly different aspects of the personality types.

To be more specific, the Myers-Briggs test focuses on the nature of the person (meaning the genetic attributes), while the Enneagram is more about nurture (the environment and the education received). 

How do you have a relationship with Enneagram 5?

To have a romantic relationship with Enneagram 5 you need to know that they do not like to be put under pressure.

They love to share their ideas, they are into intellectual stimulation. Listen to them, find interesting things to do together. 

Which Enneagram type is the rarest?

The rarest Enneagram type is type 4, or the Individualist.

What was Jesus on the Enneagram?

On the Enneagram, it is believed that Jesus was a personality type number 9, because of his patience and kindness. 


The Wisdom of the Enneagram: The Complete Guide to Psychological and Spiritual Growth for the Nine Personality Types, by Don Richard Riso 

Personality Types: Using the Enneagram for Self-Discovery, by Don Richard Riso, Russ Hudson

Understanding the Enneagram: The Practical Guide to Personality Types, by Don Richard Riso, Russ Hudson

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