101 Self care ideas (+PDF)

The current blogspot will be based on the question “what are the 101 self care ideas?”. We will discuss the various ideas for caring for our physical, psychological, social and emotional needs. We will learn the different ideas available to care for the self. 

What are the 101 self care ideas?

The 101 self care ideas are based on small tasks that are related to caring for one’s own self and one’s life. The 101 self care ideas are centered around physical needs, social needs, emotional needs and spiritual needs. The self care ideas are small tasks that go beyond the routine tasks that are utilized to meet one’s needs on a daily basis.

Self care is important in an individual because it is restorative. It regenerates the tied up muscles in the human body and soothes down the anxiety. It is essential for  valuing one’s own self. Inorder to be in the best shape physically, psychologically, socially and emotionally; self care has to be made a routine. Adopting self care techniques enhances an individual’s sense of self worth and self esteem.

Self care makes a person feel more nourished and more loved. There is a higher sense of social security related to self care. Individuals are able to attain a higher level of satisfaction and fulfillment through self care. 

Self care leads to needs fulfillment at the minimum possible level. Thus needs are not left unexpressed and unattended. As a result of self care a person feels more close to his/her inner self.

Self care shifts our focus from the routine hectic tasks to the small activities of pleasure and relaxation. Through the activities that provide us to care for ourselves we are better able to get our focus away from negative energies, unpleasant thoughts and unpleasant feelings.

The 101 self care ideas are:

  • Take a small break from your work and do one thing that pleases you, like go to a balcony or terrace and enjoy fresh air.
  • Take a power nap that resumes your energy
  • Take a lunch break and enjoy lunch with your favourite company from the office
  • Go for a half hour walk
  • Sit alone and enjoy your favourite hot beverage
  • Listen to your favourite music
  • Listen to your favourite podcast
  • Listen to your favourite motivational speaker
  • Read your favourite book
  • Watch your favourite movie
  • Watch some scenes from your favorite movie
  • Watch a comedy show that make you laugh
  • Binge watch a season on netflix on weekend night or in free time 
  • Spend time with your friends
  • Connect with new people
  • Go for window shopping
  • Go for groceries
  • Eat your favourite dessert
  • Eat your favourite snack/meal
  • Text your old friends or call them
  • Plan sleepovers with cousins or friends
  • Cook what you love cooking 
  • List 10 things you are expert at doing
  • List 10 things you have achieved in life 
  • Arrange and organize your plants
  • Get a hot oil or aroma massage
  • Get a pedicure/manicure
  • Take facials to relax
  • Take body massages to soothe down
  • Take a new hair do to enjoy new look
  • Experience new makeup looks
  • Try new outfits that make you feel more confident and up to date.
  • Drink water to hydrate yourself at optimum daily
  • Take alot of fresh fruit juices to feel fresh and energetic
  • Eat fruits and vegetables that boat vitamin intake
  • Take a beauty sleep to feel relaxed and sleep sufficient.
  • Get a hug from a loved one
  • Get involved in a physical activity with your loved one
  • Involve in sexual activity with your romantic partner
  • Explore your bodily pleasures with your romantic partner
  • Go for vacations with your friends or alone
  • Explore new destinations 
  • Take a staycation
  • Buy yourself a bouquet of your favourite flowers
  • Try new creative activities
  • Go to a flower exhibition
  • Go to art exhibitions
  • Visit spiritual sessions
  • Join a gym
  • Do aerobics
  • Get trained for heavy cardios 
  • Do cycling and skipping
  • Learn to say no when you feel like saying it
  • Detach from toxic and unempathetic people
  • Learn not to internalize whatever people throw at you
  • Differentiate between people’s opinion about you and the facts of your life.
  • Try to remain focused on your life 
  • Make a to-do list and try to do each of them realistically in the shortest possible span of time.
  • Go on a solo date to enjoy your own company
  • Go to a beach and enjoy the feel of waves on your feet
  • Walk with bare feet on grass
  • Dance as much as you can
  • Arrange a dance party with old friends
  • Arrange a one dish party with new friends
  • Spend a night in candle nights all around
  • Visit any orphanage and spend time with small kids
  • Visit an old home and spend time with elderly people
  • Visit a cancer hospital and get involved with terminal cancer patients
  • Declutter your home space
  • Take a reiki session
  • Talk to yourself about the positive experiences in life
  • Take a break from social media 
  • Do imagery exercises while deep breathing, imagine your favourite places.
  • Play with sand or bubbles or anything that you like to play with to restore positivity.
  • Eat all you can of your favorite ice cream
  • Write a letter of self love and appreciation to yourself
  • Make a gratitude journal and connect with your inner soul while acknowledging the blessings in life
  • Play your favourite video game
  • Spend time in a library and read any book that is closest to you
  • Go to a park and swings and all the rides
  • Go to an adventure park and take the high adrenaline experience of getting involved into various rides
  • Go to a water park and experience the touch of water against your skin.
  • Try to respond minimum to provoking events
  • Maintain a silent therapy for triggering events and toxic people
  • Perform activities that you used to perform in childhood and enjoy the moments
  • Live in here and now without caring much for the future and past events
  • Focus your energies on the positive aspects of life
  • Get a regular check up from doctor for any physical ailment
  • Get in touch with new and trustworthy friends on social media support groups
  • Learn a new skills that helps in self care
  • Learn to play a music instrument
  • Enjoy sensory pleasures like touching a new sofa, smelling new books, smelling your favourite perfume, taking a bath with your favourite body wash.
  • Try do it yourself stress relieving techniques
  • Try do it yourself face masks and face packs
  • Try anti anxiety exercises
  • Say your regular prayers
  • Leave work early for a me time
  • Go on a breakfast date on a weekend
  • Make a new pen friend
  • Write a letter to a younger you
  • Plan your career moves


The current blogspot focused on 101 self care ideas. We learned that self care is crucial to a person’s psychological well-being. Self care ideas help us to get away with the routine stressors and lead a successful life emotionally, psychologically and physically.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs): 101 Self care ideas

What are the 8 areas of self care?

The 8 areas of self care are:


What are some good self care activities?

Some good self care activities are:

Attend religious activities
Use pleasurable activities
Maintain a journal
Spend time with nature

What is considered a self care activity?

A self care activity is an intentional activity to consciously get out of the various mental distresses and emotional anxieties.




101+ Self-Care Ideas For The Real World!

101 Self-Care Activities

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